They are severely myopic when it comes to planning for the future sustainability of the WT business. It comes with the territory of being in the : end of the world prediction business and having many recorded failures for others to see. I mean a business that is being a parasite praying on society's gullible with their predictions now that we are in the information age doesn't seem to have a very long shelf life they have stretched this generation thing beyond anything sane.
I don't think will see any brilliant ideas coming forth from the delusional narrow minded fools that have been running the show, Lett's comments about the money situation they are in,, kind of gives one a clue that these dumb assholes are going down with the Titanic in their tuxedos and baggy pants.
I see a big revolt coming where the GB can't use their powerful DF'n weapon and all hell brakes loose through all the branches(ww) and their property seized through out the world. This child molestation thing has given the WT corporation a very bad world wide reputation, this thing is going to blow up big in the Governing Body's face, the shit is just now starting to hit the fan, and these clowns think they can survive this. And this is why I think these assholes are on a suicide mission and will consistently make one major blunder after another till Watchtower Corporation is just history accept for some still delusional JW left standing.